To: RaceBannon
Will all this lead to the same end as the counterfeit over GWB's records during his flying days? Who is capable of pushing the right buttons to get this into the hands of those that can properly expose this cover up? The ramifications are very great.
Would there be race riots in the streets if the clown is disqualified at the last moment. And what clown would be put in place?
The left and their welfare state are probably the nastiest of people in this country.
155 posted on
11/23/2008 7:25:54 PM PST by
(Duncan Hunter was our best choice.)
To: Marine_Uncle
Unfortunately there will be problems either way. If this does not get resolved there are just as many people on this side that will take offense. But, I do believe that our side would not take it like their side. They are really mean people. I have never heard such insults as what comes from them. I’m not even republican per say, but I know that democrats are really mean spirited! I hope it isn’t true of all of them. They would probably riot! Doesn’t matter though, this is the right thing to do.
164 posted on
11/23/2008 9:20:59 PM PST by
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