A poster on the Hillaryclintonforum.net (PUMA site) who is familiar talked about making a video to address what is being done and how to “break the spell”. From what he/she posted in their post it seems the key is to get these people to think rationally. Have you ever noticed how when one of these Obots call talk radio they can only rely on talking points and repeating things that Obama says? They never can articulate and give a reason for why they agree with him. I’d have more respect for the Obama supporter who says “I support socialism and I support Obama” than the “He can bring change. He’s what this country needs. He will restore our reputation with Europe”. That’s why this 30 minute informercial that he is doing is so dangerous. Not sure if I believe the programming is this deep but some have said that even people who want to go in and vote for McCain may not be able to and will “CHANGE” their vote and not realize it.
I have tried to get the McCain people to use Cartoon or Comic Book style ads. People are trained to watch animated videos in a different way than in real life. Don’t ask me why but I think they could be used to help break the spell.