I would suggest, next time, shorter, more journalistic paragraphs, however.
I think a major point that I’ve yet to hear on the MSM . . . DimRats are into
They hate Palin because she supports, loves, is devoted to God Almighty—the opposite of rebellion.
Obamma is a candidate created, trained, groomed and brought forward by the King of Rebellion and his GPTB.
Obumma’s mentor Ayers lauded Satan as the first radical who at least got his own kingdom. Thankfully, that kingdom is on it’s last legs.
I wonder how much ATTACHMENT DISORDER your son has.
God have mercy.
Bless you for your pluck and persistence.
Personally, think up until now; the move/shakers of this kingdom; have been patiently, determinedly crawling - creating their inferior visions along the way. Now they are upright and running. . .stronger than ever.
'This Kingdom' is empowered as never before; rising from what soon will be; 'Freedom's ashes smoldering'. . .
There is of course, still time.