I also like the comment that Obama liking to hear himself talk. When I was young and naive I liked to listen to males talk about themselves. Then somewhere along the line I got smart and realized that men who like to talk about themselves aren't much good at anything else. They tend to be all talk and no action.
They can present their views about what to do and attempt to gain support from their fellow Senators. ....................... YES, And without a TELEPROMPTER! LOL
Takin care of business and workin overtime!
Obama has never really done his before, why in the world would he want to start now?
McCain Wants to TCB, Obama Doesn’t KNOW HOW!
This is how this should be reported, I am from Illinois and this pathetic state hired Obama to work in the senate not run for Pres!!! Go to washington and DO YOUR JOB BHO!!!!
These attacks against Obama are outrageous. I have it on good authority he sent an email to the majority whip in the Senate telling him “If a vote comes up, vote me PRESENT by proxy.”
Why doesn’t McCain call for an impromptu debate at a local gym or theatre? That would show that he wants to debate and then watch Obama stutttttttttteeeerrrrrr....and.....hheeeeehawwwww ... around about place, timing, etc. and really twist his thong around in a knot?
Addressing the elephant in the room...I really dont care if they debate tomorrow nite. Next week anytime will be just fine for me and probably millions of other Americans.