Top 5!
Slow running 50
[Would you expect less from him?]
I guess Rove never sleeps. He is EVERYWHERE, doing EVERYTHING!!
[Now back to the DUmmies!]
Calling madam speaker 9%.
[E-mails to nowhere.]
DUmmies get easily distracted by butterflies.
[Is that you, John Edwards?]
DUmmie admits he/she does NOT want to be exposed.
[One magnificent bastard.]
He is busy 24/7/365 using his mind control machine to mess with DUmmies' gray matter. Of course, many of their single brain cells are lonely, they welcome company.
They’re way off — it’s obvious that Palin was trying to educate that Internet-ignorant dolt John McCain on how to use e-mail by giving him the particulars to her account, and things just got out of hand...
(That, or the sinister McCain really knows all about e-mail and put this out himself!)