Anyone who has attended an Emergent Church and really listened would know it has A LIBERAL, LEFTIST, SOCIALISTIC, POLITICAL message.
Yes! A few months ago I was directed to a website of a very large church in the northwest valley near Phoenix. The topic was how Christians should respond to homosexuality, but it was all meant to shame us into accepting it with open arms. We were supposed to look at ourselves through the eyes of gays to see what is wrong with US. I was very offended as it reminded me of the lunatics after 9/11 who insisted that, somehow, the attack was OUR fault. “Why do they hate us??” That kind of crap.
I’ll never forget the opening video of a young lesbian talking about how she was treated. Never mind that gays tend to take EVERYTHING personally and believe that every word, gesture, facial expression must be a reaction to their gay-ness. At the end of the video, the interviewer said, “Do you believe you’re a sinner?” The young woman dropped her head for a long time and tears came to her eyes. I don’t remember how she responded, but I thought, “I hope that someone on that film crew takes a few minutes to talk with her about Jesus.” I’ll bet they didn’t, though. They got what they wanted — a slam against Christians.
The “emergent church” is the biggest danger to the true church in present time. It’s been brewing over a number of decades. There’s much online as to what this movement entails and how they’ve wormed their way through churches. We must educate ourselves to know a farce when we see one.