Has CC been promoted to "The Site That Cannot Be Named" status on Skin's Island yet?
Alas, other than Pedro Picasso, I don't think any primitive knows we exist.
Primitives live in such a small world, remember, rarely venturing off the Skins's island.
By the way, even though there’s the DUmpster over there, for bonfires from Skins’s island, and the DUmping Ground, for notorious primitives, bonfires are scattered in the other forums, too, such as the automotive forum or the cooking forum, in those cases where a primitive bonfire is appropriate for the subject.
I always thought it a bad idea for any web-site to isolate the primitives into a single forum, because the purpose of most decent and civilized web-sites is to illuminate the primitives.
However, the primitives being narcissists, go to such places and look for only themselves, ignoring all of the other enlightening stuff at the web-site.
By scattering the bonfires around, the primitives have to hunt for themselves, and while looking, might come across something useful to them.
All for the Greater Service of Humanity.