Yeah, I have no respect for people who take easy way out. He should curse Hillary out, and then release a video of himself, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and his wife, Michelle Obama engaged in 4 way orgy.
But I know he won’t do that. Too much of a coward. If he was real man, he would take that challenge and prove that even an orgy with Terrorist and Racist can not stop him.
Freaking Coward.
Look at Hillary. All her life she has fought for everything she has without any help from anyone. If there was ever a woman who was self-made, its Hillary.
She is Beatiful, Sexy, Brilliant, and Experienced.
Too bad the Stupid dumb evil terrorist coward has her beaten at this point.
Dude! Switch to decaf!
What are you smoking? Hillary, beatiful? Not exactly. Hillary, Sexy? Huh? Hillary, Brilliant, No way. Hillary, Experienced? LOL