You know, xcamel, it is easy for you and the other nattering nabobs of negativism to hide behind your keyboards and dream up impossible worst case scenarios about what America will look like with a FairTax.
Likewise, it is easy for you to anonymously make negative smartass remarks about the FairTax and those of us who support the FairTax.
The facts are that a majority of the American people do not like the income tax or the IRS!
It is a very real problem, and many Americans are searching for a better way to fund the federal government.
We FairTax supporters are working to fix that specific problem.
OTOH, you and your nattering nabobs of negativism buddies, like the income tax (and the IRS), probably profit FRom it, and are selfishly working to keep the income tax and the IRS in place.
IOW, your present and future economic security is threatened by those of us who are working to replace the income tax with a National Retail Sales Tax and abolish the IRS.
For all we know, you are hired guns, possibly working at a LIEberal/Socialist/Marxist “think tank” (you may even be GASP!, IRS employees!), whose job description contains the phrase “do whatever you can to keep the FairTax FRom becoming law of the land” or words to that effect.
After all, you do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on these threads bashing the FairTax.
Why don’t you come clean and admit your livelihood depends on the continuation of the income tax?
Once you admit that, you can then go find honest work, quit spending so much time and effort badmouthing the FairTax, and we’ll all be better off!