Bush signed CFR, stupidly believing the SCOTUS would do its job and quash the thing, as it is so in the face of 1A that how could they not?
Well, they did, as government employees are wont to do.
W’s a rotten conservative, and I’ve said so many time here. I’ll also say this though: in comparison, any of the people running for the WH are going to make W look like Reagan, and probably like Churchill for his stand on the war.
The UK right now is LIVING this in the form of Gordon Brown. He’s the pasty, even more liberal, version of Barack Obama over there, and in less than a year he’s signed away the UK’s sovereignty, even to the point of removing the seal of the UK from the pound coin.
Our party was done in by Hastert, Frisk AND W. All the spending and the explosion in Gov’t.
I think Rush is doing the right thing and letting the party twist. As for the rest of them, they were pimps anyway. Hannity became to terrible to listen to about two years ago.
Rush, and Mark Levin (his recent endorsement of Romney notwithstanding) seem to be the only sane talkers left.
At least Romney had an excuse (i.e. having to deal with Democrats who outnumbered his party 3 to 1) and has been moving toward the conservative ideology.
McCain has total disdain for conservatives and openly admits it and has been gradually moving away from them. I’d rather take my chances on the guy who is moving towards my beliefs than to the guy who hates my beliefs.