The person recieving SS already paid into it. There is no free lunch any more than getting money back on a savings account after 40 years is a free lunch.
And that is EXACTLY what SS is. The fact people have been duped by the govmt to pay into it for 40 years is something those people should face, and those of us whod like to *not* pay for it shouldnt have to.
Its not a matter of being duped, its required by law to pay into SS. Most of us would happily opt out for a 401k or something else but we cannot.
What you want is to steal the money from those who have already paid into it by not giving them their deserved benefits. But this is a moot argument anyway. Like it or not SS is here to stay for at least a while and you WILL be paying into it. Hopefully when it is your time to recieve benefits you won't get the same illogical diatribe we are getting from you now.
Oh no, I'm sure that people who call it an "entitlement" will stick to their guns, when they are old enough and not accept any SS checks.
Ah, but that’s the fallacy. You’re blaming us who’re paying for it right now and complainging about it for the fact that those who paid into it let the goverment spend it/waste it otherwise.
In my opinion, as I oppose the whole concept, it’s not my/ours fault or obligation. However, I’m willing to *donate* *MY* *HARD* earned money to transition things, and therefore are doing a favor to the system, so don’t give me the ‘illogical diatribe’ crap. It’s perfectly logical from my standpoint, just because you don’t agree or scared others think like this doesn’t make it so.
I personally don’t expect to see a damn dime out of the deal. And, being self employed, I’m double on the hook. Whoever right now my age (Gen X) is counting on SS 30 years from now, is living in a pipe dream. I’m not looking to ‘steal’ anything from anyone, just don’t believe that I owe anyone anything just because they failed to change the system.
And let me add to that, more and more folks are getting smart about taking their income offshore, and I’m not talking just about ‘rich’ folks. One of these days I just might say forget all that and take it all out of reach. Have fun then.
Instead, we should all work towards a solution that should work for everyone. Everyone will have to sacrifice, *including* those who have put in money for 40 years, and those of us who are forced to contribute now but won’t see (or expect to see) anything in the future.