You throw the cigarette into the liquid gasoline, and the gas vapors are so dense that there is simply no oxygen to burn. Not only does the gasoline not ignite, the cigarette is extinguished due to lack of oxygen to sustain its own fire.
[I wonder how many KOmmies will self-destruct by attempting this science experiment?]
Try it. I have a dear (yet stupid) friend who tried this and ended up in the burn unit for a week.
That "scientific" experiment reminds me of an incident that happened at a big store in West Palm Beach years ago. A can of mineral oil fell off a shelf and opened up, leaking all over the floor. One worker wanted to evacuate the area until it could be cleaned up but another worker pooh-poohed the threat by stating that mineral oil was inflammable. He demonstrated his theory by lighting a match and tossing it on the mineral oil which proceeded to burn hotly and causing other cans of mineral oil and similar liquids to explode thus causing the store to burn.
Remember that episode, Dennis? I can't remember if it was a K-Mart or a Home Depot. I think it was the former but not sure.