All you pro-marijuana people need to quit fooling yourself. It isn’t about government control. It’s about getting high.
There’s no justification for legalizing it. You only want it so you can get high. For the relatively few who suffer from painful glaucoma, I have no objection of it being used as a medically prescribed pain-killer.
If it causes:
- loss/degredation of motor function,
- loss/degredation of reasoning and judgment,
then it needs to be regulated or banned. Yes, I believe that applies to alcohol, too. The brain’s craving for the high overides the judgment to use it, and once it is used the judgment, reasoning and motor function needed to function in society is lost.
If you want to use it on your property, that is no business of mine. But, can you guarantee that your use will NOT impact society in any way? Since use of these drugs impairs your judgement and reasoning capacity, there is NO WAY that you can gurantee that you will not be a negative impact on society.
You say there are no good reasons for legalizing marijuana, and then you mentioned a couple right in your post. You talked about legitimate medical reason why people might want to use it, and then you said marijuana ought to be at least regulated. I agree that it should be regulated. As it is the marijuana industry is entirely unregulated and run by a bunch of criminals who make a lot of money they use to fund other criminal enterprises. If it was legal, the industry would be regulated. Regulators could help insure that the product is as safe as it’s can be. The shops that sell it can be regulated and face stiff penalties for selling to anyone under the legal age, and so on. The increased ability to actually regulate the industry is one of the “justifications” for legalizing it. There are plenty of other good reasons for legalizing it. You may not agree with any of these arguments, but a lot of us, whether we smoke pot or not, do agree with a lot of the various arguments for legalizing marijuana. That does not make us all “pot heads” or or “pro-druggies.”
We call the philosophy of government based on the objective of insuring that individuals only do what is in the best interest of society socialism.