My politically naive daughter in law heard him on TV a couple of weeks ago, and now she is singing his praises to her lefty sister. Hope she makes some headway. At the very least, I hope she shuts her up. Although, interestingly, this sister can’t stand HR Clinton, and says she won’t vote for her, because she is a “flip flopper”. I laughed out loud at that one. When referring to her sister, my DIL whispers, “she’s a liberal”, like she doesn’t want to say it out loud!!
Who says Duncan Hunter doesn’t have appeal? When I point him out to people and tell them to take a look, they are impressed and like him. Hunter is a very likable, no nonsense, presidential type man. He exudes leadership and people see that when they finally get a chance to see and hear him. He is being severely underestimated in his abilities and chances for a general election. I see him as the strongest possible candidate and he has military credibility to help sell the war.