I'm pretty much in line with what you've said here, too. In my heart of hearts, I'm in Duncan Hunter's corner. He has about as much chance of winning the nomination, though, as I do of being crowned the next czar of Russia in a revived Romanov dynasty, and I've never been one to play Quixote jousting with windmills. Choice No. 2 would be Newt, but I fear all the baggage surrounding him puts him in just about the same boat as Hunter and I don't think he's going to run. If I had to do it right now, I would probably go with either Romney or McCain in the primaries, probably in that order of preference ... and God knows, they each have their own respective baggage, especially McCain, so I'm donning my asbestos underwear again after saying that ... because I find them preferable to Giuliani.
If, however, at the end of the 2008 Republican National Convention, this party has chosen Rudolph Giuliani as its nominee, I absolutely will campaign for him and vote for him. And I make no apologies for that and if some consider me a drooling idiot for this mindset, bully for them, I really only have to please one person on this earth politically (the Mrs. could care less about politics although her heart and vote is in the right place), and that's me. :)
In my heart of hearts, I'm in Duncan Hunter's corner. He has about as much chance of winning the nomination, though, as I do of being crowned the next czar of Russia in a revived Romanov dynasty, In February of 1975 the general public had NO IDEA who Jimmy Carter was.
Same goes for Michael Dukakis in February of 1987.
In February of 1991, anybody who happened to know who Bill Clinton was would only know because they remembered him droning on forever at the 1988 DNC convention.