Yes, if you scroll up to #171 you will see that SatinDoll is the first to post on this thread since Feb. ‘07. I don’t know how he found it but keywords, when used, are a great way to keep a handle on old threads. I highly recommend to everyone adding any relevant (not joke) keywords to threads. It increases the power of FR a great deal by making archives easy to search.
This thread can’t be bumped enough, because it is absolutely the truth.
Ahem...I am definitely not now nor have I ever been a ‘he’.
That out of the way, I have been posting about the unconstitutionality of Islam for quite some time. This was brought to my attention by a well know sci-fi writer (name I unfortunately can’t recall) who wrote “Ender’s Game”. He, being Mormon, posited that the United States already has a precedent set for dealing with Islam becuase of how the Feds dealt with the Mormons years ago.
It is an interesting concept and we should get busy on this lest we end up like Europe.