"Sounds like Rice and Mrs Bush are going out of their way to be supportive of the "gay" agenda, and this does not go over well with actual conservatives.
Oh, bovine feces! This is just one more case of the perpetually-offended finding just one more reason to be ticked off at President Bush and his administration.
The guy's qualified for the job. Who cares if Condi called the guy's partner's mother a mother-in-law. Talk about blowing crap out of proportion...
So, if you're so angry at President Bush, go vote for the Constitution Party candidates. You, too, can help the Democrats take over. Won't that be nice, little jeremiah.
Go find some real issue to talk about. This one doesn't qualify. It's a non-starter.
I vote a straight Republican ticket, and plan to as usual. Unless there is a conservative local person running and it doesn't matter so much as far as majority. But even that is theoretical.
But the "gay" agenda is really getting very, very tiresome. And it would be refreshing if some of the GOP suits seemed as though it mattered to them as well.