The International Green Party also forces the Rats to make a visible play to the extreme left; as the DNC moves left, the "moderate" base of yellow dog democrats loses faith.
I've watched politics for a long time, and I suppose there are some who will agree I know something about history.
Given what has happened in the past--history does not "repeat" itself, but people in all times and places continue making the same mistakes, over and over again--I get the sense that as the Democratic Party marginalizes itself, moving further and further left, the Republican Party similarly shifts left, leaving an open space on its right.
I doubt if it's the libertarians, but something somewhere somehow will emerge to fill that vaccuum on the right.
The Democratic Party probably has one election left in it, after which it will fall into the dustbin of history, as did the Know-Nothings and southern segregationalists.
If the Democrats make inroads during the 2006 mid-term elections--inroads significant enough to damage the last two years of the current administration--the reaction will inevitably follow, and after 2008, the party's just about over.
Ditto for the 2008 presidential elections, if the Democrats fail in 2006, but make inroads two years later.
What constantly amazes me about the left is that they refuse to acknowledge a basic fundamental elementary law of physics--for every action, there is an equally strong reaction. Everything, all, in life has consequences.