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Minuteman Civil Defense Project President Chris Simcox Answers Critics
Minuteman Civil Defense Project Mass Email | 14 July 2006 | Chris Simcox

Posted on 07/14/2006 9:00:33 PM PDT by Spiff

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Chris's Answer To Critics

6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 829-3112

"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but the firm resolve of virtue and reason." —Alfred North Whitehead

First, I want to say thank you to all the supporters and believers in this great grassroots movement known as the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps; your dedication has paid off in the momentum we now see across the nation as citizens have reached the level of awareness and frustration we have shared for years.  They are now following your leadership, taking action, and are demanding that our borders be secured.  Our public servants are listening, the politicians are scrambling—positive change is in the air.
I find myself in front of the computer finally able to catch up on things after a whirlwind year in which I've logged about 200,000 travel miles spreading the word, educating Americans, confronting elected officials, and recruiting volunteers and supporters of this great Minuteman movement. 
It is important that we, the organization and its officers, get into the routine of giving you timely updates on our activities and direction for the future.  Also, in light of some recent misinformation being spread about the Internet it is time to give you, the volunteers and the general public, a report on the progress of MCDC and the Minuteman Border Fence projects.

The Minuteman Border Fence
"If you pursue evil with pleasure, the pleasure passes away and the evil remains; if you pursue good with labor, the labor passes away but the good remains." —Cicero

The first phase of our fence building project began during Memorial Day, and I emphasize “the first phase.”  Given the political duplicity of the U.S. Senate’s vote this week NOT to fund the federal border fence they “approved” just two months ago, we were right in our judgment to proceed.  We gave President Bush an ultimatum, which he only partially and weakly answered with a directive that 6,000 National Guard—mostly unarmed personnel—be deployed to the border to “support” the outgunned and outmanned Border Patrol.

While we know that the move will help somewhat—ANY official presence helps—this is woefully inadequate to effectively secure the border.  So, we decided to go ahead with our fence building as a message back to Bush and Congress—Secure the Border—Now!

We decided first to quickly come to the aid of a supportive local rancher in Cochise County, Arizona by helping him protect his cattle.  The plans for the fence to meet the rancher’s requirements were explicitly outlined during numerous interviews with the media. Of course, we all know the problems in getting the media to print accurate facts or statements in their entirety.  The explicit plans of the design of the fence on the Ladd ranch were clearly outlined in detail during dozens of radio interviews, and that's where you can find the truth.  However, inaccurate statements, taken out of context, by one small town newspaper reporter have fed some circulation of false and malicious claims of a “scam” because the first fence section omitted trenching that would have proved dangerous to the rancher’s cattle.

There was immediately some vandalism to the fence, which has been repaired, and better secured against further attack.
That small town reporter got it wrong, just as every other print reporter in this country seems to do.  Never did we make the claim that the double layered Gaza-style security fence would be built on the Ladd ranch.  It was stated over and over that the full blown security fence design would be built when we reached conclusive negotiations with other landowners who were looking at the advisability of erecting such a fence on their properties.  We have now completed arrangements with those ranchers and landowners, and in fact the next section built will be the full Israeli-style fence, with construction commencing soon.  Our precise timetable will depend upon resolving a few lingering engineering issues, and the successful conclusion of certain liability matters as required by law.  It will NOT depend upon the ill-informed hostility of those seeking our failure, or wishing to stir up controversy and increase donations to their foundering organizations.

If one reads our description of the fence building effort instead of just focusing on our generic graphic model, we have clearly stated there will have to be a variety of fence design adaptations, including the “full blown” double layered Gaza Strip-styled security fence.  Coincidently, that precise fence design has been recently adopted by the U.S. federal government in their planning, as well. 

Obviously, this is the most effective design to prevent incursions across our sovereign border.  However, our mission includes coming to the aid of landowners and in two cases we are adjusting our fence construction to design specifications that meet the particular needs of the host landowners.  In the case of the Ladd ranch, we wanted to help protect the rancher's cattle.  The first step was to erect a five-strand barbed-wire fence to protect the cattle from the concertina wire, and the vehicle barriers, both of which will be added later with further accommodations.  So, specifically, there will be a layer of barbed-wire fencing to protect the cattle, concertina wire to prevent human beings from climbing the fence, and steel vehicle barriers to prevent automobiles from driving through the fence.  It seems some folks have a tough time with reading comprehension or visualization of the projected fence designs.

Regarding the funds collected as contributions to the fence project:  All donations which have been received have been recorded, processed, and banked by a highly reputable and responsible caging company which specializes in non-profit accountability.  Funds are safely and appropriately held in a secured bank account, overseen by a certified public accountant and a lawyer, disbursed by an authorized escrow agent only against approved, invoiced expenses.  Some folks want to make it seem as if I personally have collected donor funds, turned them into cash, and have the money hidden under my mattress at home.  For the record, I do not touch contributions at any stage, and I do not personally control MCDC bank accounts—again, objective professional fiduciary officers are accountable for all money in and money out.

All donations are secured in a federal financial institution—a bank, and may be applied only towards the fence building enterprise.  The funds cannot be used in any other way.  We estimate the original 2.2 miles of completed fencing (including concertina wire and vehicle barriers) on the Ladd ranch will run approximately $17,000—could be slightly more could be slightly less. 

To ensure quality control and limit liability issues going forward, we have hired a local contractor to oversee the whole Minuteman Fence project—the contractor charges a minimal reduced fee as their civic contribution to the effort.  We have completed our research on procurement of the materials necessary to construct the Gaza-style double layered security fence.  In fact, the 4” x 4” heavy gauge steel fence post has been purchased; the heavy gauge steel wire mesh and a concertina wire mesh material for the top of the fence have all been located and will be purchased soon.  All of the materials will be moved over the next few weeks, along with heavy equipment, to the ranch area slated for construction phase two.

We are also planning on creating metal plaques with the names of those who wish acknowledgement, who have donated to the Minuteman Border Fence project.  These will be attached to the interior layer of fencing once the construction has been completed.  Everything we promise will be fulfilled.

We have over 1,500 cleared volunteers in our fence volunteer database.  We have many, many more being vetted.  They are being sorted, are being contacted, and will be utilized to create “work teams” to assist with completing the first 2.2 miles of fence, and then will apply their efforts towards helping to build the next phase of the fencing project, which will include the full double layered, 15 foot high, Gaza-style, security fence.  I emphasize the word helping, to clearly define volunteer tasks.  We will be required to “hire” some professionals to help maintain the quality control of the project and limit liability.

There has been plenty of vicious criticism about our timeline—ill informed, and I would also ask, “Compared to what?”  Let's look at some obvious physical challenges confronting the fence project.  Extreme summertime temperatures create a situation that is dangerous for our volunteers.  We have decided to hold off launching parts of the project until temperatures are more favorable for all those working.  We have even looked into the expense of renting lighting systems so that volunteers could work after sundown.  However, there are obvious security risks involved in that approach.  Taken together, we have decided it is prudent to wait a bit, and carefully plan and prepare for the next phase. 

In the meantime, we have completed our actual fence blueprints, which are now in the hands of an accredited architect, and engineers, who are ensuring that the fence design meets all regulatory requirements in its construction.  There are of course tremendous liability implications in this project that we are continuously addressing.

We have two landowners in Arizona who have committed to the construction of 1.5 miles of the double layered Gaza-style security fence. (You can read an op-ed written by one of those landowners at the end of this document.)

                We are now in negotiations with a landowner in California, who would like to see the double layered Gaza-style security fence built along his property, to protect his constitutionally-guaranteed pursuit of happiness on sovereign U.S. soil.

 Building fences, such as the double layered Gaza-style security fence, is an enormous engineering and construction feat.  The federal government still flatly refuses to take this on, despite the double-talk.  It must be planned carefully with the safety of the volunteers being considered first and foremost in importance.  Plans needed to be drawn, materials needed to be acquired.  

Some good news is that, contrary to false information disseminated by Internet web sites, a close review of the respective county planning and zoning ordinances show no laws or regulations which would prevent a landowner from erecting this type of fence in a non-residential zoned area on private property.  The fence is being erected on the edge of the front tier along the border—if the government can build such a fence, then our best legal advice says that a private property owner can also erect the same style of fence. 

We will this summer and fall complete the first 2.2 mile section of fence, meeting the requirements of the Ladd family.  As contributions will allow, we will complete just over 1.5 mile of the double layered Gaza-style fence as illustrated on our web site. 

I guess some people feel that it should be built based on their time schedule; however, we will build it as we see fit and by a timeline that works best for our volunteers and the courageous landowners who are stepping forward.
I find it interesting that those mouthing charges of skepticism against our fence building continue to claim “Minuteman” credentials.  It is just sad these people resort to making hollow accusations against our very public efforts while sending out letters that laud their “association” with the Minutemen on the border, and engage in private fund-raising campaigns based on alleging “corruption” within the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps fence building operation.  While we continue, step by step, to build—I wonder if the press will investigate the use of donations collected by these elements?

MCDC Finances
"Anybody who is any good is different from anybody else." —Felix Frankfurter

On a related topic, I guess it's time to counter another attack piece attempting to cast doubt upon the appropriations of donations to MCDC.  Not only are we constantly embattled by the open borders and anti-rule of law lobbyists, but now we seem to be constantly attacked by people who claim to be part of the secure borders movement, but are actually working under a thinly veiled, racist agenda.  Then we have those who disagreed with our approach to the border security problem and quit the organization only to continue to call themselves Minutemen, while assailing us with wild and vindictive allegations of improprieties.  We also have those who were terminated from MCDC for violating our code of conduct that is explicitly outlined in our standard operating procedures.

Some such people contacted a local Phoenix ABC television affiliate.  This hit piece, done by a local Phoenix ABC affiliate was prompted by “disclosures” offered ABC by two anti-Semites, who last April demanded that we allow them to manage Minuteman operations, including all of its funding, donations and crafting of our media message.  I rejected their “offer,” and my decision has proved to be a wise one.
Of course, we knew better than to let anyone with racialist history anywhere near MCDC, and obviously now have evidence that we made the correct decision in hiring clean professional consultants, accountants, media professionals who work for us to help us manage our business as the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, sees fit.
In a classic yellow journalistic hit piece, the ABC reporter, using clever editing, made it seem as if MCDC volunteers were concerned about fiduciary responsibilities on the part of the organization.  The facts were that everyone they interviewed had either quit the organization or had been terminated and clearly had sour grapes because they did not meet MCDC standards. 

ABC even made it seem as if our volunteers had no porta-potties at the location of our border watch operations.  In one part of the report, a trusted and dedicated line leader was asked if porta-potties were available to volunteers.  What you did not see was that the volunteer was asked the question while on a scouting mission along one of our observation lines located far away from the base camp.  Of course, we don't provide porta-potties in the middle of nowhere, and the ABC reporter made it seem as though we were not providing volunteers with even bathroom facilities.  The same camera crew had full access to our base camp, our comms center, and the equipment center—and even used the porta-potties that we have always made available to our volunteers.

I've included a couple of photos, which clearly show the capital equipment that donations have been used to purchase.  Each and every border watch state—Texas, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Washington State, New York, Vermont and New Hampshire receives funding for equipment, operations and recruitment meetings.  Again I must emphasize the reporter's piece was full of lies, innuendo and crass conspiracy theories prompted and promoted by people who either quit the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps or were terminated due to a lack of integrity or a violation of our standard operating procedures.
All of our financial operations are overseen by professionals including a caging agency, banking institutions, a professional accountant, a professional auditor, a non-profits specialty attorney, etc.  All checks, credit card and any other cash donations received go directly into designated bank accounts, overseen by these professionals.  Yes, professionals we have hired (that means donations go to pay them for services) to ensure fiduciary integrity of the funds donated to the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.  Everyone must realize that by hiring responsible and respected professionals we ensure the integrity of the operation and keep funds separated from the volunteer national leadership directors.    

By the way, no accredited professional financial institution or company would dare risk their livelihoods or their reputation by working for the MCDC if they did not believe in our cause and our integrity—nor would they risk the chance of violating the IRS regulations by playing monkey business with funds that come into this organization.  Not only would these professionals risk ruining their careers and their reputations, they risk violating federal laws and going to jail.
I wonder if those foolish enough to question the integrity of the finances of this operation would be willing to open their books, expose everything in their bank accounts or rely on unaccredited individuals to manage their finances?

So even though we've met every obligation and hired professional management there are still those from outside who seek to destroy our American citizens’ movement.

For those who just ask the question where does the money go—let me take you on just a short journey through a rapidly growing national movement.  The following is a list of just a few of the areas where the money goes to good use:

Web site development, updates to the web site, blast email communications, our database, updates to the database, computer equipment, which MCDC owns; servers, bandwidth for a web site that receives upwards of several hundred thousand hits or more each week. 

Let's talk about the phone systems and communications—most of our national leadership team or state directors have been provided Internet phones in their home offices at no personal charge, paid for by donations.  We have purchased and pay charges for cell phones provided for our field operations and our national directors. 

For the field, we have satellite phones, radio equipment, repeaters, antennae, extra radio batteries, battery chargers, flashlights, maps, dry erase boards, porta-potties.

How about background checks, ID cards, email blasts like this one—all our operations cost money.  We are constantly reaching out to find and educate more of our fellow Americans, which requires funds be expended for postage and fees for direct mailing, press releases that are professionally written, proofed, and distributed to the mainstream and alternative media (domestic and worldwide), etc.  The scheduling of hundreds of television and radio interviews is handled by a professional media firm, as is the placement of our national newspaper, email, and web advertisements.

We do cover some travel and fuel expenses for line leaders and the leadership team, who all work well beyond the average call of duty. 

We have used donations to purchase thermal imaging cameras, video cameras, third-generation night vision cameras, computer systems at each border watch headquarters operation, even Internet service at each border watch operation, where it is available. 

We help provide water, Gatorade, snacks, large tents and pop-up canopies for outdoor meetings; trailers to haul equipment, office supplies, a national headquarters building, the rent, the utilities, high-speed Internet connectivity at the national headquarters, computer systems at the national headquarters, phone systems at the national headquarters, the cost of printing letters, thousands of dollars in postage for membership mailings, the printing of brochures, the printing of banners used at gun shows, parades and recruiting events.  The rental of tables for gun shows, the rental of venues for meetings around the country—all are covered with the funds we receive from generous donors from around the country.

Our national leadership team does have their travel expenses covered when engaged in official Minuteman Civil Defense Corps business.  My travel expenses are covered by donations, but only when I am traveling for official Minuteman Civil Defense Corps business.  Most of my travel expenses are covered by organizations that request my presence at meetings, conferences and other speaking engagements.  When I am compensated to speak by a hosting organization, not only do I have the opportunity to travel around the country to educate people about the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps mission and the crisis at the border, but I also have the opportunity to recruit volunteers and solicit for donations to MCDC.  Only four of the dozens of trips that I have made in the last year have been paid for out of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps funds.  Those trips were to Washington D.C. to work with cooperative organizations and to talk to Congress—the total cost of those four trips comes to less than $3,000.

Our last two, month long border-watch operations cost around $80,000 each, and each 3-day monthly muster costs us at least $1,000 per state, not including travel expenses.

Each of our satellite chapters around the country has received start up funding and continues to be supported by the national organization.  Each new chapter receives approximately $1,000 in start up capital to cover expenses.  We have a rapidly expanding national organization that needs the support of aggressive national fundraising efforts—it costs money to raise money, but I assure you every penny is accounted for as federal law requires, and is utilized appropriately.

At this time we have a fully accredited, independent auditor undertaking a full accounting of the past years’ income and expenses.  We are completing federally mandated accounting and filing of our financial activity for the past year.  (Those conspiracy theorists out there forget that the #1 oversight committee on groups like ours is the IRS, aka the federal government, who would be the first to shut us down if there were any improprieties involved with our finances.)  We are required to submit our Form 990 filing to the IRS on November 15, 2006.

Once completed, our financial reports will be made available to the public, as required by law, and on the same timetable as all other non-profit organizations.  Those who wish to harm us want MCDC held to some other standard and to have us distracted and discredited in order to break our momentum.  We are staying on task, and they can take their intentions of destroying the greatest citizen movement to save the Republic this country has seen in recent history, and hike it.  I believe we have exposed their lack of credibility, we will continue to build, and I invite those whose falsehoods will be refuted by our results for the common good of America to forever be silenced.

There have also been many questions asked as to how I make a living.  I am not salaried by MCDC—otherwise, it is no one’s business.  I have never felt the need to publicly defend my integrity—above all else: to thine own self be true.

However, in light of the circumstances of malicious attacks, I will, this one last time, reveal personal information to answer the critics.

The hours of toil and sacrifice necessary to run this national organization has taken a toll on my personal life and has led to my shutting down my newspaper—The Tombstone Tumbleweed.  My present source of income has been the honorariums and fees received from organizations who request me for speaking engagements.  I have also received money from selling my life story for a movie that will soon go into production.  Even with those combined sources of income, I have made just enough to keep my head above water.  The remainder of my living expenses is covered by my devoted and dedicated wife, who shares my passion for the MCDC mission.

I do foresee a need come the new year for me to request a modest salary to maintain my role as president of MCDC.  If the board and national directors do not agree then it will be necessary for me to leave the organization and return to teaching—or I may need to go get a job at Wal-Mart or Home Depot!

With regular communication to you the volunteers and supporters of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, I hope to provide information that informs and assures you of the integrity of this healthy and expanding national grassroots organization.  I want to thank you personally for the privilege of working with you in this great and good cause.

With sincere gratitude for your courage and support of this great Republic,
Chris Simcox
President, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

KEYWORDS: aliens; immigrantlist; immigration; mcdc; minutemanproject; minutemen; mmp; simcox; simcoxpressrelease
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To: Petronski
That's it? That's all you got?

Evidently. :-)

121 posted on 07/15/2006 9:14:20 AM PDT by Howlin (Pres.Bush ought to be ashamed of himself for allowing foreign countries right on our borders!!~~Zook)
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To: EternalVigilance

EV, I just saw some Freepers on another thread mocking Alan Keyes.

Better hurry and find it and dress them down.

You at least ought to earn your money today.

122 posted on 07/15/2006 9:15:15 AM PDT by Howlin (Pres.Bush ought to be ashamed of himself for allowing foreign countries right on our borders!!~~Zook)
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To: Howlin
I just saw some Freepers on another thread mocking Alan Keyes. Better hurry and find it and dress them down.

I just saw some FReepers on another thread questioning President Bush's policies on some thing or another. Better hurry over there and call them all "A$$holes" and ping your whole harpie Bot brigade over there to quell anymore dishonor of Shining Leader.

123 posted on 07/15/2006 9:22:19 AM PDT by Spiff ("They start yelling, 'Murderer!' 'Traitor!' They call me by name." - Gael Murphy, Code Pink leader)
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To: Spiff

I'm not paid to do it, Spiff, like EV is.

Besides, the way you all post now, I wouldn't be calling people Bots if I were you; you all are in lockstep march that would put the Rockettes to shame.

124 posted on 07/15/2006 9:26:16 AM PDT by Howlin (Pres.Bush ought to be ashamed of himself for allowing foreign countries right on our borders!!~~Zook)
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To: Lurker; Spiff
It does not matter what he says or does, his critics hate him and will complain and attack no matter what.

Even if his books were open and he was on schedule and doing everything right, the critics would blast him about something else.

The critics hate Simcox and nothing will change that.

125 posted on 07/15/2006 9:47:40 AM PDT by Marine Inspector (Government is not the solution to our problem; Government is the problem)
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To: 68 grunt


126 posted on 07/15/2006 10:03:58 AM PDT by EternalVigilance
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To: Howlin
You at least ought to earn your money today.

More surprise...

127 posted on 07/15/2006 10:05:47 AM PDT by EternalVigilance
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To: Howlin
I'm not paid to do it, Spiff, like EV is."

Got any proof of that EV is on the MMCDC payroll?

I ask because only a real "A$$hole" would make an accusation like that without any evidence.


128 posted on 07/15/2006 10:17:14 AM PDT by Lurker (2 months and still no Bill from Congressman Pence. What is he milking squids for the ink?)
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To: Lurker
(Eternal Vigilance), the President of the American Life and Liberty Coalition and the founder of USBorderSecurity.ORG, praised the bill's defeat, but offered up a warning about the political war that still lies ahead:

I left off his name, but everybody knows it and I got 33,500 hits on it on Google just now.

The entire world knows.

And that's just his latest incantation.

I don't suppose he's doing it for free.

129 posted on 07/15/2006 10:25:13 AM PDT by Howlin (Pres.Bush ought to be ashamed of himself for allowing foreign countries right on our borders!!~~Zook)
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To: Howlin
I don't suppose he's doing it for free.

Because, as usual, you project what you would or wouldn't do onto me.

You and your antifreeper friends are exactly alike. You find some tiny scrap of actual information, then you weave a detailed conspiracy theory around it, designed to make your opponents look as bad as possible.

"Fake, but accurate." That's what you've come to.

Ironic, that.

130 posted on 07/15/2006 10:39:12 AM PDT by EternalVigilance
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To: Lurker

FYI, I've never worked for Chris. I'm simply a supporter of his efforts. He's labored for years to bring appropriate attention to this issue, and he's succeeded beyond anyone's expectations.

The whole idea of the fence, just as it was for citizen border patrols, is to highlight the Federal Government's failure to accomplish their primary duty: Protect the sovereign territory of the US and the American people.

He's done that quite well...quite well indeed.

Since 9-11, more Americans have died at the hands of illegal aliens than died on that infamous day in 2001. And that's just part of the story.

131 posted on 07/15/2006 10:46:50 AM PDT by EternalVigilance
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To: Howlin
Besides, the way you all post now, I wouldn't be calling people Bots if I were you; you all are in lockstep march that would put the Rockettes to shame.

You really need to understand how transparent your agenda is. Those of use who are "lockstep", as you say, are the ones promoting the more conservative solution over the liberal solutions. The reason that we appear to be "lockstep" to you is that this is a conservative forum, we're promoting the conservative line, and you're increasingly finding yourself on the other side of that line as the champion of the more liberal "moderatism" with which you seem to be so enamored. That would be OK if this was a forum designed to promote moderatism, but it is not. Maybe you need to go find such a forum and leave conservatives to discuss and promote conservative ideals without all of your harassment.

I can only imagine how you must feel when you see the latest FReeper poll that shows all of the support amongst FReepers for Tom Tancredo. That must really chap your hide as evidenced by the viciousness you've even further adopted to attack conservatives here.

You know, you seem to have been able to exercise some level of discernment when dealing with the smears invented by the leftist media and malcontent slander regularly posted on the anti-FReeper sites against Free Republic and Jim Robinson. You know, the idiotic charges about FR fundraising, operations, expenses, and some really stupid crap about a mail-order-bride website. But, for some reason, when the same tactics are employed against someone that you consider to be an opponent (probably because of his criticism of Pres. Bush's border policies) your judgement is totally clouded and you pile on. The attacks against Chris Simcox and the Minuteman Civil Defense Project are almost exactly the same kind of attacks made against Jim Robinson and Free Republic. It is hypocritical for you to, however rightfully, be disgusted at the false charges against Jim while spreading and supporting the same kind of false charges against Chris Simcox.

132 posted on 07/15/2006 10:56:53 AM PDT by Spiff ("They start yelling, 'Murderer!' 'Traitor!' They call me by name." - Gael Murphy, Code Pink leader)
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To: Howlin
LAmerican Life and Liberty Coalition and the founder of USBorderSecurity.ORG

Neither are part of the MCDC or MMP organization.

Any more false charges you want to sling?

133 posted on 07/15/2006 10:59:02 AM PDT by Spiff ("They start yelling, 'Murderer!' 'Traitor!' They call me by name." - Gael Murphy, Code Pink leader)
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To: EternalVigilance
Since 9-11, more Americans have died at the hands of illegal aliens than died on that infamous day in 2001. And that's just part of the story.

Heck, since March of this year, more Americans have died at the hands of illegal aliens than died on 9-11.

134 posted on 07/15/2006 11:01:11 AM PDT by Spiff ("They start yelling, 'Murderer!' 'Traitor!' They call me by name." - Gael Murphy, Code Pink leader)
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To: Spiff

Not to mention Jim still has links up to the organizations on the front page they are slandering on this site.

Talk about hypocrisy.

135 posted on 07/15/2006 11:23:47 AM PDT by axes_of_weezles (n)
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To: Spiff
Heck, since March of this year, more Americans have died at the hands of illegal aliens than died on 9-11.

Thanks for the correction.

136 posted on 07/15/2006 11:53:50 AM PDT by EternalVigilance
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To: axes_of_weezles; Spiff; Everybody
You know, you seem to have been able to exercise some level of discernment when dealing with the smears invented by the leftist media and malcontent slander regularly posted on the anti-FReeper sites against Free Republic and Jim Robinson.
You know, the idiotic charges about FR fund-raising, operations, expenses, and some really stupid crap about a mail-order-bride website.

But, for some reason, when the same tactics are employed against someone that you consider to be an opponent (probably because of his criticism of Pres. Bush's border policies) your judgment is totally clouded and you pile on.

The attacks against Chris Simcox and the Minuteman Civil Defense Project are almost exactly the same kind of attacks made against Jim Robinson and Free Republic.

It is hypocritical for you to, however rightfully, be disgusted at the false charges against Jim while spreading and supporting the same kind of false charges against Chris Simcox.

132 Spiff


Not to mention Jim still has links up to the organizations on the front page they are slandering on this site.

Talk about hypocrisy.

135 axes_of_weezles


Well made points.

Should I hold my breath waiting for rational rebuttals?
137 posted on 07/15/2006 12:10:40 PM PDT by tpaine
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To: tpaine

They shure were not, here:

138 posted on 07/15/2006 12:22:28 PM PDT by axes_of_weezles (n)
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To: tpaine
Should I hold my breath waiting for rational rebuttals?

I don't think blue is your color.


139 posted on 07/15/2006 12:24:10 PM PDT by Lurker (2 months and still no Bill from Congressman Pence. What is he milking squids for the ink?)
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To: EternalVigilance; Howlin
I believe you.

It's Howlin who made the accusation without offering any proof. That sort of thing used to be frowned upon around here. But since we're hip deep in newbies these days maybe they haven't been around long enough to learn much.

That assumes of course that they're able to learn.

What they are able to do, apparently, is falsely accuse people on the forum of criminal activity, call them "A$$hole(s) and generally toss dirt in the air. When called on it they make counter-accusations.

In short, they act like predictable liberals.

And for the record I have no relationship with Mr. Simcox or his organization and I've never given them a dime. Once I see his accounting that may very well change. But for the present my donations go to individual Republicans and this forum.


140 posted on 07/15/2006 12:29:03 PM PDT by Lurker (2 months and still no Bill from Congressman Pence. What is he milking squids for the ink?)
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