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Why Terrorism Must Win
celestial junk

Posted on 06/24/2006 2:56:18 PM PDT by exg

Why Terrorism Must Win

Whose side are you on?

After all the whining about illegal wars in Iraq, about the neo-con agenda, about 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians, about 911 being brought about by American hegemony, about “it’s all about oil”, about WMD, about Oil for Food child victims, about war mongering, about enriched uranium bullet poisoned children, about “little Eichmanns”, about US war dead, about American atrocities, and Haliburton, the left has yelped itself into a corner.

Imagine if you will, that three to seven years from now Iraq is a relatively stable and functioning democracy. Imagine that terrorist acts in that country have ceased, or are at least so rare that they actually are “news” when they occur. Imagine an Iraqi economy open for business, with the infrastructure largely recovered and schools and universities filled with both genders. The Iraqi Dinar climbs to Saddam era levels, and Iraqi ex-pats by the thousands visit there homeland unafraid. Imagine an Iraq balancing successfully on the tightrope between a secular and Islamic state, where even the bitter Sunnis join in the building of a new country. In otherwords, imagine every freedom loving person's dream for Iraq coming true.

Now consider today’s leftwing talking points in that context. Suddenly the pro-UN-anti-American rants will seem empty, the WMD complaints vapid, and the “freedom fighter” terminology of socialist media nothing but Utopian rhetoric gone bad. And, worst of all, the apologetics for terrorism in Iraq, as now practiced by the left, will seem like shriveled raisins in the heat of day.

From the point of view of the left, (union hacks, Euro-elite, mini-Moore extremists, MSM elitists, socialist utopians, KOS kids, and progressives) Iraq MUST FAIL. In order to be proven correct, in order to save their ideology, in order to put America in her place, Iraq as a country must not succeed, and terrorism must win in Iraq. If terrorism wanes and falls to a background threat, then the neo-cons, and the pragmatic leaders like prime ministers Blair and Howard, and G. W. Bush, and the coalition partners, will have been proven right. And, the doomsday preachings of the left will have been all for naught, not to mention that the religion of the United Nations will have taken a hit.

If it sometimes sounds as if the left is rooting for the terrorists of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the bombers of subways and buses; well they are. They must, simply because their strident postulating has painted them into the most ridiculous corner any political entity has found itself in for a long time. After engaging in some of the most bombasteous rhetoric in decades, the left has carved out positions on the political battlefield that are becoming nearly impossible to back out of. Astute ideologists always leave a way out, a back door as it were, but somebody forgot to explain that to the Socialists.

Coalition forces in Iraq and even Afghanistan are, by extension, enemies of the socialist cause. They stand between American, Canadian, and European "progressives" and their dreams of a Shangri-La headed by the United Nations. If you are a believer of the "UN Supremacy" credo, then Coalition forces must not win.

So it is, that for “progressives” the terrorists must prevail if their utopian dogma is to be preserved intact. The Left's "One World Under the UN" credo, must be defended even at the cost of Iraq failing. Ironically, behind the feigned leftist pitty for child victims of the Iraq and Afghan conflicts, is hidden delight every time terrorists succeed. If you thought it was your imagination, it wasn’t; and now you know why.

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1 posted on 06/24/2006 2:56:20 PM PDT by exg
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To: exg

It seems that way and it makes me really upset at their stupidity.

2 posted on 06/24/2006 2:59:04 PM PDT by yldstrk (My heros have always been cowboys-Reagan and Bush)
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To: exg

Turds the leftists are. They are also insane. Logic has no meaning for these people. Common sense and true patriotism? that is a bunch of propaganda and they are far better than that. Either way no matter what good will come from a stable middle east, the lefties will move the goal posts, it just will not matter to them. Blinded by hatred and a lust for power, nothing short of a communist dictatorship with them in charge will make them happy.

3 posted on 06/24/2006 3:01:35 PM PDT by vpintheak (What's worse, a liberal or a know it all posing as a Conservative?)
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To: exg

Good post, welcome to FR

4 posted on 06/24/2006 3:01:46 PM PDT by A message
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To: exg

Excellent article. The left is invested in the defeat of democracy. That says it all if you ask me.

5 posted on 06/24/2006 3:03:58 PM PDT by John Lenin (The RAT party is still Stuck on Stupid)
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To: exg


6 posted on 06/24/2006 3:04:30 PM PDT by darkangel82 (Higher visibility leads to greater zottability.)
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To: darkangel82

Read the article before you spout off.

7 posted on 06/24/2006 3:05:26 PM PDT by John Lenin (The RAT party is still Stuck on Stupid)
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To: exg

This is the most concise and clear description of the left I have seen in a long time.

It puts into words what even many so-called "moderate" Demoncrats must feel...For them to win, we must all lose. Therefore, they cheerlead for the terrorists, without shame.

And when their representatives are too timid to clearly state the goals of the left, for fear of being totally exposed, they simply trot out the latest lefty 9/11 wife victim to do the dirty work for them.

It must be a depressing life when you hate your own country so much.

8 posted on 06/24/2006 3:07:59 PM PDT by Greenpees (Coulda Shoulda Woulda)
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To: John Lenin


I was about to post "why is this person getting zotted"

There is nothing zot, moonbat or kook here. The poster hits the nail on the head of why we are fighting terrorists abroad and one of our political parties here at home to obtain victory in Iraq.

9 posted on 06/24/2006 3:09:10 PM PDT by A message
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To: A message

This could be a campaign theme. The Left is rooting against democracy.

10 posted on 06/24/2006 3:13:45 PM PDT by John Lenin (The RAT party is still Stuck on Stupid)
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To: A message

The problem is that we have a large percentage of Freepers who can't be bothered to read the article on any thread.

They feel fully qualified to offer an informed opinion based on the thread headline alone.

A thread title like this one will expose them every time.

11 posted on 06/24/2006 3:15:20 PM PDT by Dog Gone
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To: exg

Good vanity... newbie.

12 posted on 06/24/2006 3:18:06 PM PDT by johnny7 (“And what's Fonzie like? Come on Yolanda... what's Fonzie like?!”)
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To: exg

Welcome to FR !

13 posted on 06/24/2006 3:19:48 PM PDT by tiredoflaundry (The right wants victory, the left wants surrender. It's that simple.)
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To: exg

Great article! Thanks for posting and welcome to FR!

14 posted on 06/24/2006 3:23:07 PM PDT by Just A Nobody (NEVER AGAIN..Support our Troops! and - Now more than Ever!)
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To: exg

Excellent piece. Welcome to Free Republic:)

15 posted on 06/24/2006 3:37:10 PM PDT by SE Mom (Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
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To: exg


16 posted on 06/24/2006 3:39:37 PM PDT by wildcatf4f3 (Islam Schmislam blahblahblah, enough already!)
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To: exg
Good opening salvo! Although you underestimate the left's capacity to pretend that victory is defeat and vice versa. Even if, in 4-7 years, Iraq looks like what you describe, here's how the left will see it:

Their GDP is still lower than Turkey's, wife-beating has been assessed by some studies as being "on the rise," and childhood obesity has sky-rocketed, which their health care system (socialist- technically- under Saddam) cannot address nearly as well as, say, Canada's...

Even then they will snatch defeat from the foaming fangs of victory, and in the echo chamber of Utne Reader, Mother Jones, NYT, and The Nation, they will bewail the fact that women still only comprise 13% of the government, and due to the neocon agenda of "free markets," Phillip Morris is selling cigarettes to Iraqi minors!! Saddam would never have allowed THAT.

17 posted on 06/24/2006 3:45:52 PM PDT by A_perfect_lady
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To: Dog Gone
The problem is that we have a large percentage of Freepers who can't be bothered to read the article on any thread.

Well, maybe it was just his competitive desire to beat others to the IB4Z thing that made him... jump the gun a little. ;^)

18 posted on 06/24/2006 3:47:33 PM PDT by A_perfect_lady
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To: yldstrk

Do not doubt it. The democrat party is every bit as devious as described in the article. Think of what it means when a political party willingly and strenuously promotes the slaughter of more than 44 million unborn in order to enhance their political empowerment. There isn't anything they will not sacrifice for their empowerment, so this nation's safety is a mere means to their ends. Look at how easily they commit treasonous acts such as revealing secret anti-terrorism programs in order to try for political leverage. And the leftist scum in the mainstream media are their willing accomplices.

19 posted on 06/24/2006 3:59:03 PM PDT by MHGinTN (If you can read this, you've had life s upport from someone. Promote life support for others.)
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To: exg

Oh, and by the way, welcome Newbie. Well written expose.

20 posted on 06/24/2006 4:01:59 PM PDT by MHGinTN (If you can read this, you've had life s upport from someone. Promote life support for others.)
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