No, I haven't called for his impeachment. But I have stated grave concern that a consequence of his being on the wrong side of the illegal immigration issue, especially if the information in this article is true, will be a loss of the majority in November and a subsequent call for impeachment by Democrats, which will further snowball into forcing our troops to surrender in Iraq and an end to fighting the war on terror and a Democratic President in '08. All of which could be avoided had he NOT taken a leftist position on this issue.
However, my disappointment in Bush is only made worse by watching a few FR's behave with contempt, sometimes 'personally' towards those who do NOT take Bush's postion. I've never read anywhere that references that particular rule for banning, nor do I understand the reason behind it, but if it's true, I appreciate the heads up and was hoping it wasn't just your way of threatening to tattle on those who disagree :-)
It was a heads up : )