If you can make it, check out the Fort Lauderdale Air & Sea Show this weekend. I believe it is the BEST such show in the country. Just wade out into the ocean and soak in the water as you watch the air show overhead. I like that type of air show comfort (and the beach brewskis that go with it).
Let me know if you want on the DUmmie FUnnies PING List.
1 posted on
05/01/2006 5:23:52 PM PDT by
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To: PJ-Comix
Just do us a favor and don't waste five thousand words to explain how you got Raw Egg on your face over this. PJ- you got it in one. Liberals must talk, because words are the only thing they know that they have the skill to manipulate. On Planet Progressive, this is known as "nuance" and "subtlety". There is some "irony" growing over there to the left. Overhead, you see a large flock of brilliantly-hued "metaphors". And herds and flocks of many other peaceful, herbivore's, sharing, literary devices all over the landscape.
Oh, it's a beautiful world, Planet Progressive, the kind Adam and Eve would have lived in, if there was a God, of course. But people like you and me, from that Hell Planet run by Cowboy George Bush, and his trusty sidekick, the Devil, look at the 'nuances', and 'subtleties', and in our ignorant red-neck way (conservatives are all white, Southern, male, and Christian, you know) all we can see are 'lies' and 'nonsense' crawling in the muck, and trying to stir it up.
Good luck to Pitt. As much as he seems to screw up, he's going to need it.
62 posted on
05/01/2006 6:55:52 PM PDT by
(Liberals...what's not to loathe?)
To: PJ-Comix
This place will never, ever, ever live up to its potential because of this, and that is sad.DUAC....DUAC...
65 posted on
05/01/2006 7:04:51 PM PDT by
(Always bring a liberal to a gunfight)
To: PJ-Comix
Pied Piper Pitt is in a pique of posting over piffle.
66 posted on
05/01/2006 7:17:49 PM PDT by
(new name, same sarcasm. Go Ken Blackwell! for governor Ohio '06)
To: All
There's nothing like a dublogbitchfight. It's like watching homeless retarded amputees wrasslin' for a half opened can of beans and beer money.
To: PJ-Comix
Somehow, I managed to become central to. . . . "Somehow"? I think that's your goal in life, Willie, to become central to things.
71 posted on
05/01/2006 7:47:48 PM PDT by
Charles Henrickson
(Will Pitt, the Wild Bull of the Pompous.)
To: PJ-Comix
a man I once considered an ally sh*tting on me. . . . That happens a LOT in your circles, doesn't it, Pitt? What is it with you people? And could any of it have to do with YOU?
To: PJ-Comix; franksolich
[You'll get way more than a nanoblip of disagreement from Skinner over your characterization of DUmmieland about that "place will never, ever, ever live up to its potential."] Except that Skinner may not even notice Pitt's post. Grand DUmmie Skinner seems to be something of an absentee landlord. He lets things get out of control and then he suddenly erupts in a spaz fit of LOCK - BAN- DELETE!
To: PJ-Comix
there is going to be a decent crowd of people on this forum who will owe Jason Leopold an apology. I'll bet you all the money in my wallet they won't offer one. . . . Pitt with ANOTHER worthless wager! What was that bogus bet he made a few months ago, PJ? Wasn't it something about "Ty," the bouncer from New Orleans who works at Bukowski's in Boston?
I wanted to help Larissa. . . .![](http://mlb.mlb.com/images/2004/10/13/6Ej6VlWM.jpg)
"I don't NEED your help, you loser! We've won more
games the last two years than any other team in baseball!"
To: PJ-Comix
I have been here too long and seen too much sh*t (and, to be fair, caused too much of my own sh*t) to believe this place can or will ever rise to the level of integrity. . . . Stand Up Next to a DUnghill.
To: PJ-Comix
[Does this ever get to some CONCLUSION? . . . Just keep wandering all over the place, Pitt, and maybe we can find a cure for Terminal Verbosity in the meantime.] The Pitt and the Ponderous.
To: PJ-Comix
the healthiest thing one can do from time to time is take a break from this place. I seldom do, and when I have tried in the past, I always get sucked back in. "As soon as I get my ego massaged and people beg me to come back. Which is what will happen here, again."
To: PJ-Comix; Choose Ye This Day; franksolich
To: PJ-Comix
[And the LORD said unto Pitt, Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves.] A very nice touch. Bravo!
82 posted on
05/01/2006 8:47:15 PM PDT by
Mr. Silverback
(TRY JESUS. If you don't like Him, the devil will always take you back.)
To: PJ-Comix; stands2reason
The light at the end of the tunnel is in view. I can see it... That's an oncoming train, DUmmie.
83 posted on
05/01/2006 8:49:12 PM PDT by
Mr. Silverback
(TRY JESUS. If you don't like Him, the devil will always take you back.)
To: PJ-Comix
too many pages to edit for my next book. . . .
By William Rivers Pitt
84 posted on
05/01/2006 8:53:23 PM PDT by
Charles Henrickson
(Will Pitt, the Wild Bull of the Pompous.)
To: PJ-Comix
and too many good Democrats to help get elected. . . . Wee Willie's record in helping to get Democrats elected is about as good as his daddy's.
To: PJ-Comix
there are people here who want to turn this forum into a boneyard for jackals. . . . It's those graveyard rats again. . . .
87 posted on
05/01/2006 9:01:20 PM PDT by
Charles Henrickson
(Boneyard, graveyard, schoolyard. . . .)
To: PJ-Comix
See ya on the flip-side. Is Pitt hinting he's going to do another self-recantation?
To: PJ-Comix
William Pitt - I cannot accept this. Please, please give me some hope. Don't we need you, Larisa, Leopold and each other now more than ever? The mental health of multitudes of Moonbats is dependent on YOU, Will Pitt! How can you let them down in their hour of need??? Think of THE CHILDREN!!!
90 posted on
05/01/2006 9:06:39 PM PDT by
Charles Henrickson
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