These guys are pure BS. You can hear them anytime you tune into Err Amerika - pure treason IMHO. They should be ashamed to call themselves Americans. And they feel they are such Patriots because they are EXPOSING THE CORRUPTION IN THE BUSH ADMIN!! They should seriously look in their own hearts. Got on hell of a speaking gig, that is all I can say about the both of them.
Coming in on this late but just wanted to affirm what you are saying. There are a bunch of these guys. Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.
Larry Johnson, Richard Beske, San Diego
Kathleen McGrath Christison, Santa Fe
William Christison, Santa Fe
Patrick Eddington, Alexandria
Raymond McGovern, Arlington
I am not sure about Milton Goodman, Bayard Stockton, Robert Baer, and Paul Pillar.
It's a good idea to know who these people are since they manage to get themselves on the news often enough.