There are illegal aliens willing to do it for $5.25 an hour. Don't forget they'll want government entitlements. They'll send a part of their income back to their real home (a foreign country). ETC. ETC. ETC.
So long as they'll eventually vote Democrat after they have been given amnesty. And so long as the free traitors can make a small fortune by paying them so low... then all is right with the world. According to the elites.
I don't really care what they'll do it for, why they'll do it, what they'll get, or what the government will do.
I'm simply addressing the point made: "There is some work that I will not do given too low a wage and given better alternatives at the same pay scale."
That said, I don't want illegal immigration, and I'd start with a high tech fence and with criminal penalties against employers who hire them.
But that doesn't mean I'll dig a ditch in clay muck for $5.25 an hour.