It was a courtesy, done 20 years ago, Ferdie.
You're either a anti-Catholic type, or one of those traddies who blames every ill in the Church on JPII.
Why would you think that? IMO, it just shows how St.John Paul II has no clue about Islam and the Qu'ran. He was "showing courtesy" and kissing the Satanic Verses of Islam.
If he actually read a little...he would have seen that Mohammad commands his followers in the book he kissed to KILL those of "The Book".
Stating a fact about something JPII did is not anti-Catholic. It's stating a fact, pure and simple.
If you look close at the photo - you'll see that he is actually spitting on it!
I not anti-Catholic, my early years were spent in church being an altar boy or with the nuns or priests in school. By the way, if we really want to win the war on terror and scare the crap out of the moslems send some of the nuns I have known after them. The moslems can have Ak-47's and the nuns can have rulers. The moslems are toast.
Sorry, I got off the topic, back to my response...
The man was the Pope, if after 9/11 I know enough about islam not to kiss a damn koran the Pope who should have known that way before I ever had a clue about it.
not that this matters, I bet at the time the Pope kissed the Koran some imam somewhere had a fit about it . There is probably a rule against non-moslems touching a koran or kissing it. Because they have a damn rule about just about everything else under Sharia law.
The religions of the lics and lims both have thin skin.
Seemed like a slap in the face of Catholicism when a pontiff would dare kiss the unholy koran.
John Paul knew full well that this was no mere courtesy, but an affont to all Christians to kow-tow to evil islam.
I am a Catholic. Therefore I am capable of thought and recognize sacrilege when I see it regardless of who is committing the act.
It was dead wrong.