History is what they say it is. In their minds. People act surprised that the rats and the left propose no solutions, only criticisms. Yet, I recently learned that this is a communist PC tactic called "Critical Theory", where no solutions are ever intended to be offered, only criticism, because after the revolution the world will be so different that proposing a solution NOW is only counter-productive. Only later might a solution present itself.
And YET.....any time the word communist is mentioned....the leftists laugh and pretend that communism is dead and that we on the right are just being paranoid.
How typically duplicitous and dishonest of them! I would have never thought they had a method to their madness.
Thanks for the new perspective and insight!
"History is what they say it is. In their minds. People act surprised that the rats and the left propose no solutions, only criticisms. Yet, I recently learned that this is a communist PC tactic called "Critical Theory", where no solutions are ever intended to be offered, only criticism, because after the revolution the world will be so different that proposing a solution NOW is only counter-productive. Only later might a solution present itself."