Ain't buying your story. You are not in biology. You are an engineer, if your story is at all true.
Hopefully you apply a more scientific basis when dealing with real science. Although I can't begin to count all the "evolutionists" who spout stuff like this at the first sign of a fight.
A lot of evolutionists define a "scientist" as someone who believes in evolution, so they can say that no "scientist" believes in creation. They will often insert "real scientist" to cover the fact that some apparently "fake" scientists are still around.
When that doesn't work, they simply stop allowing creationists to even get into the field, so they can say that evolution must be true since all biologists believe it. I realise that a real scientist would NEVER make that argument, so I am shocked to say that I still read it all the time. Just this week a different evolution discussion included that very thing.
I have no idea what Tirian is, but I have no reason to think he is lying, or why (other than your obvious prejudice against him) you think he must be lying. I'm an engineer, because I was smart enough. If I wasn't, I probably would have had to settle for a science degree. :->
Fascinating, if somewhat veiled, ad hominem attack response. (Maybe I'm actually a long-haul trucker in the Solomon Islands?) I happen to be (really and truly) on the interface of life science and engineering but am not an engineer. Note that biology has historically been self-selecting, with people who questioned Darwinism veering away because of the implicit -- if not explicit-- "Caesar is Lord" requirement that the reigning orthodoxy be accepted. But that is changing.