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To: Reaganghost
Well I'm with you on your goals. I think you should just go ahead and spill the beans on the plan at this point. Too much buildup is hookey. This isn't a pyramid scheme after all.

Free Republic is a wonderful cultural treasure for conservatives. But the focus and POWER that we had early on (I've been here since 1998) has largely disapated. This happens. It's unfortunate in some ways but its also a measure of success. Jim has elected to have a very, very broad based community and allow the widest possible discussions to take place, with only some minimal rules. It's amazing that it has worked so well.

Maybe you should for a Yahoo board to do what you want. Thats what Boston T. Party is doing with the FSW. (In fact there are several, one for 'lurkers' , one for people who have signed on).

FR is *NOT* about restoring the Constitution as a sort of mission (no matter what the outdated mission statement says) IMHO. It's about a building a place for conservatives to chat, about everything.

Here is a random list of FR topics:
Key facts about Stanley Tookie Williams case
Riots Erupt in Australia
Anti-Arab rioters smash cars, windows in Sydney
DA must prove DeLay purposely avoided fund ban
Italy tape: 'Joy' over beheading
Police Find Assault Weapon Near Supreme Court
Statement by the President [on Tueni assassination
Whirlpool to lay off 730 U.S. workers [Mexico Gains]
Was California Gov. Arnold ... Tookie Williams?
EU Official Calls for End to Death Penalty
Immigration booming as Congress grapples with border
Possible White House FREEP
Minutemen at the Polls
British Oil-Fire Cloud Spreads to France
Bush Says 30,000 Iraqis Killed in War
Crips Founder Williams Denied Clemency
Gang killings up, number of investigators down in LA
Warner Disney
Saudi Businessman Donates Millions to Georgetown and
Governor Declines To Stop Williams Execution
Bomb Ripped Apart Vehicle Carrying Canadian
Judge throws out Yosemite death lawsuit
Italian Player Accused of Fascist Salute (Drudge)
Japan Brokerage Must Compensate for Error
ESR's Tenth Annual Person of the Year
Donkeys vs. Christians
Investigation and Indictment of John F. Kerry
Illegal Alien Day Laborers in Shirlington
Report: Israel prepares to strike Iran
La. Governor Postpones New Orleans Vote
Vote for Alex (Freep this Poll-Vote for Little Girl
Death of an American City
A Serial Killer Shakes Up a City and a Cultural Myth
Left, Lefter and Leftest (Nemesis following hubris in
Economics for dummies
The Truth About the Chronicles of Narnia

What do you see? Lots of tabloid news, lots of celebrity news, book review, movie reivews, international news, business news. What you don't see is any particular focus on anything like restoring the republic. That might be why you come here but objectively it's now what this place is about anymore.

I actually responded to a thread on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and said something like "can't you do this elsewhere? what does this have to do with politics?" But its not my board to make those calls. Ditto the sports threads, daily vanity threads, pray for Bush threads, follow the talk radio threads, all this and more happily exists here.

This place is a lot more like Google News than any focused goal driven group. If that's what you want I think you need to go elswhere (and drop in here once in a while).

As I said, from what you've said I am broadly in support of your concerns and goals. Please accept this as the constructive criticism I intend it to be.

33 posted on 12/12/2005 2:22:12 PM PST by Jack Black
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To: Jack Black
Jack, I'm dissapointed :<(

You didn't put this on your list "Spokane County Assessor Ralph Baker is sending a clear message to anyone with questions or complaints about their property assessments: Stay home .

Semper Fi

34 posted on 12/12/2005 3:18:56 PM PST by An Old Man (USMC 1956 1960)
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To: Jack Black
"Well I'm with you on your goals. I think you should just go ahead and spill the beans on the plan at this point. Too much buildup is hookey...Free Republic is a wonderful cultural treasure for conservatives. But the focus and POWER that we had early on (I've been here since 1998) has largely disapated."

Your insight is excellent. Some of your other comments are also very salient, " for conservatives to chat..What you don't see is any particular focus on anything like restoring the republic." And, "If that's what you want I think you need to go elswhere (and drop in here once in a while..from what you've said I am broadly in support of your concerns and goals. Please accept this as the constructive criticism I intend it to be."

Our group considered everything you said, including your recommendation. We decided to make our case on FreeRepublic for several reasons:

As for the stringing out of the material, there are several reasons why we have chosen to do it, and a couple of reasons why it absolutely necessary. If you have paid attention to the number of views of articles posted on FreeRepublic, you have undoubtedly noticed that some can produce more than 100,000 views while others may produce less than a hundred. Some articles similar to some of these were published on another site with average hits in the high hundreds or low one thousand range without producing a critical mass reaction. We don't want to be a one shot flash in the pan; we want to generate a sustainable reaction that it will see itself through to completion. One of the prior articles alluded to our main reason for not presenting too much in a single article.

Slogans and sound bytes are great for selling Christmas cards, "When you care enough to send the very best," or winning elections, "It's the economy stupid." We admit that we aren't salesmen, but we do believe that to change 90 years of history in less than a decade and pursuade hundreds of millions of people to end socialism before socialism ends the United States is going to take more than a slogan or a sound byte. We are going to have to present a truly great debate that carries the day.

We hope you will join us in this effort and invite you and every Freeper to conisder taking The Pledge.

35 posted on 12/12/2005 4:22:16 PM PST by Reaganghost (Democrats are living proof that you can fool some of the people all of the time.)
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