To: Leapfrog
No, they are just doing their normal routine. I have them trained well. They'll be back soon
1. PaulaB is getting my beer
2. Dashing Dasher is washing my car.
3. EX52D is getting the remote for me.
4. Millee is finding my slippers.
5. Teenyelliott and LongElegantlegs are getting the kiddie pool full of jello ready for their match tonight.
6. Dora is changing into her leather.
7. Jersey Republican Biker Chick is getting the sports page for me, turned to the Dallas Cowboy feature.
To: Maximus of Texas
#5... Oh, yeah...
214 posted on
11/03/2005 3:57:22 PM PST by
Michael Goldsberry
(an enemy of islam -- Joe Boucher; Leapfrog; Dr.Zoidberg; Lazamataz; ...)
To: Maximus of Texas; PaulaB; EX52D; Millee; teenyelliott; dorathexplorer; ...
1. PaulaB is DRINKING my beer
2. Dashing Dasher is RACING my car.
3. EX52D is HIDING the remote FROM me.
4. Millee is ADDING HIGH HEELS TO my slippers.
5. Teenyelliott and LongElegantlegs are getting the kiddie pool full of jello ready for OUR (LEAPFROG AND MAX) match tonight.
6. Dora is changing into her leather. (NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!)
7. Jersey Republican Biker Chick is READING the sports page TO me, ESPECIALLY THE RAIDERS BEAT THE COWBOYS SECTION.
217 posted on
11/03/2005 4:09:10 PM PST by
Dashing Dasher
(... this situation absolutely requires a really futile & stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson