To: areafiftyone
Regardless of how compelling the evidence, no one will ever be able to get the libs off their "Bush lied, boys died" mantra. A pathetic lot, one and all.
As conservatives, we have a sworn duty to use all means, short of homicide, to keep these vermin from destroying our country.
11 posted on
11/03/2005 7:55:19 AM PST by
To: stm
Richard Miniter has a new book out about the WMDs actually found and I agree that FrontPage has done a great job exposing these Commie-crats for who they are and what they said. Also, David Horowitz maintains DiscoverTheNetworks which exposes a lot of these issues very well.
To: stm
Short of homicideI think I'll study on that exception for you mean homicide, or murder?
Is a perceived threat of eminent force or bodily harm an exception to the exception?
17 posted on
11/03/2005 3:24:08 PM PST by
(We should give anarchists what they want. Then we can kill them and not worry about jailtime.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson