"I'm one of the few in the semi-inner circle who [doesn't] think she can win" [the White House]. Harold Ickes Time, January 2005
Sen. Hillary Clinton should not count on help from Hollywood mogul David Geffen in her possible run for the White House. Geffen, who was a generous supporter and pal of Bill Clinton when he was president, trashed Hillary's prospects last night during a Q&A at the 92nd St. Y in New York City. "She can't win, and she's an incredibly polarizing figure," the billionaire Democrat told his audience. "And ambition is just not a good enough reason." Lloyd Grove reports in fresh editions of the NY DAILY NEWS the audience broke with "hearty applause" over Geffen's comments.
- Developing...
issus clinton says she doesn't think she will be asked to be John Kerry's running mate.... and doesn't think she would accept, in any case. "Think" seems to be the operative word.... (or is it "doesn't think?")
Susan Estrich had it exactly right when she said missus clinton is unelectable. If hillary clinton wants to occupy the Oval Office, she must perforce either marry the president (been there, done that) or ascend to the throne; that is to say, missus clinton must zipper-hoist.... (We will leave the means of ascension to your imagination and her devices. Suffice it to say, John Kerry would be wise to sharpen the ol' peripheral vision.) For her entire adult (such as it is) life, zipper-hoisting has been missus clinton's principal means of upward mobility.
Zipper-hoisting has proved to be a sticky wicket for missus clinton, owing not to antithetical feminist ideology, as one would expect -- feminists willingly sacrificed feminism on the altar of clintonism -- but to zipper choice, her rather injudicious attachment early on to a certain zipper habitually on the downslide. Look for missus clinton to switch zippers. And sooner rather than later. (Note: Kerry's zipper is the current default choice; missus clinton would have much preferred the General's.) What zippers are to missus clinton, heiresses are to John Kerry. As comptroller of the Democrat coffers, missus clinton is the de facto Democrat "heiress," (Teresa Heinz without the ketchup, if you will). Thus, what we have here is the perfect symbiosis, the perfect playing into proclivities, the lowest common denominator, the perfect pair.... |