While waiting for you to reply to my question: "What else can I do?" I joined the sharethetrails.org group for $20.
Thanks for the follow up.
I wrote them a letter choosing number five.
"Theme 5" is preferred because it allows for management flexibility that will best protect the backcountry character important to us all.
It allows for trail maintenance, trail construction and development of needed recreational infrastructure.
It also allows for some timber harvest, although not without ridged environmental safeguards.
This is important in order to prevent devastating wildfire, insect infestation and provide the agency with tools to protect adjacent communities as well as recreational opportunities. Massive fires pollute the air...it is not just smoke. Then the ash will pollute the water, kill fish and other wildlife. A hot, long fire will also kill the soil.
The public lands should be accessible to older and challenged Americans who can no longer hike 30 miles per day with a full pack.
"The Lands of Many Uses" should be continued as it is a this long and important tradition.
And not just motorized trails are at risk. Epic mountain bike loops, world class hiking trails (hiking and equestrian trails will be limited by this proposal!!), access to blueribbon fly fishing, hunting, and other uses is threatened.