That argument doesnt wash! Piglet is a toy, a cartoon not real. There is no real flesh to consider unclean! If a worker were to bring in a hogs head, i can see the problem but this is a cuddly toy! Next thing you know, they will not allow you to eat ham at work or in a public place in case it causes offense!
And neither do a lot of them. It is silly for the Brits to cave in on this and the Burger King thing from a few weeks ago. Utter nonsense.
Representations of living things are forbidden under strict Islam. Pig flesh is forbidden too (makes people take on the charactistics of pigs such as "sloth and adultery").
I could see them putting into effect a ban on heating up bacon in the breakroom microwave (pig grease may splatter, scents may linger...).
And some schools have prohibited students from bringing in PBJ sandwiches in case one student may be allergic to peanuts.