2. Be not downcast that the Creationists discovered your post first. There is actually a group of evolutionist conservatives here following the tradition of T H Huxley
3 If you remsain you will be accused by the TaliBornAgain of being a degenerate, atheist, communist and part of an organised evolutionist cabal attemptin to destroy the USA
4 Darwin Central (not an organised evolutionist cabal) has decreed that your title DARWINIAN CONSERVATISM. must be altered to DARWINIAN CONSERVATISM offer not valid in Kansas
Failure to do this will invoke the full force of Darwin Central (not an organised evolutionist cabal) sanctions
5. Welcome to Freeish Republic
Well, well. So I'm not the only Darwinian conservative in the world after all! Thanks to all for the welcome.
The "crevolist" looks great.
Although I am generally not persuaded by the "intelligent design" arguments, I enjoy debating the ID people. And I actually am open to allowing ID ideas into public school science classes. The best way to do this, I would say, is to "teach the controversy by teaching Darwin." Why not have high school students actually read Darwin and notice that he presents his "theory of natural selection" as the alternative to the "theory of special creation." The 3rd Edition of the Norton Critical Edition of Darwin, edited by Philip Appleman, even includes selections from Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe along with Darwin's texts.
Students reading Darwin would have to weigh Darwin's arguments against the alternative. They might actually be excited by the chance to think for themselves.
Don't listen to him. We're feirce, we're athiest, and we're in you're face.