a) Thursday night 7/7 around 9:30pm Seattle time
b) A memorial service will be held at Town Hall in Seattle at 1119 Eighth Ave., on Saturday, July 16, at 2 p.m.
This is not a funeral, no viewing of the deceased is to be expected at the memorial service. Still no obituary in the Seattle papers.
You know, I was reading the FoA "William Pitt" much yesterday.
Somewhere, he had alleged he had gotten a reconcilatory message from a "Freeper," which of course mystified all of us. (And his petulant response being "Won't work.")
Well, it apparently is that he got some sort of nice message from someone in the other conservative web-site, not from here.
I was concerned about this, because I myself had sent a reconcilatory heartfelt condolence to the FoA "bettyellen"--so much good that did me--who passed it around DUmmieland.
That incidentally was my first and only contact, ever, with an FoA--and it was a contact made only because the FoA "bettyellen" was the first FoA, ever, to respond to me on a message board.
The FoA talk about me, but alas they never talk to me.
Anyway, I had been concerned that the FoA "William Pitt" had gotten a copy of my message of sympathy to the FoA "bettyellen," and in the usual Andyite habit of twisting things a little bit, construed it as meant for him.