Posted on 06/26/2005 5:10:29 PM PDT by Mia T
hillary clinton: ABUSER, NOT VICTIM
retrograde feminist fraud positions herself as victim (again) in order to win White House
differential reaction to the two rape charges snares the clintons
1st Feminist Prez Impeached
(clinton, pushed by the "smartest woman in the world," managed to impeach himself)
"the smartest woman in the world" sought less competitive venue
THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 3
THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA GET US KILLED (kerry, clinton + sandy berger's pants) SERlES 2
You are the greatest!
i live in pirros AG district and i dont much care for her. She hogs the camera and she doesnt seem genuine. I prefer Cox in this race.
Hogging the camera is actually an asset in this case--we would see a lot less of Chuck Schumer.
I judge Jeanine genuine by virtue of her accomplishments.
As for Cox, poetic justice, sweet revenge, if he could do it, but I don't believe he can defeat the Hildabeast... and preemptive action in '06 is the goal here, isn't it....
"i live in pirros AG district and i dont much care for her. She hogs the camera and she doesnt seem genuine. I prefer Cox in this race."
If the point of this race is to expose Hillary as a unethical, morally bankrupt opportunist and apologist for her husband's victimization of women, I don't see the point of running a woman married to a Mafia laywer that just got out of prison.
Maybe I'm missing something.
The point of this race is not merely to expose hillary; it is to defeat her.
This is a race between the women, not the husbands, notwithstanding the fact that if a rapist can be president, and a co-rapist, senator, certainly a westchester da who happens to be married to an alleged mob lawyer can be senator. It would be a step up for New York, it seems to me. ;)
It is important to remember that hillary clinton wasn't simply a passive partner ('enabler" or "apologist") in her husband's rapes, predations and assorted criminal enterprises. She participated. For power and treasure....
I thank G-d for you -- and that we're on the same side!
Blessings -- Brian
You get bumped by virtue of your sense of humor! LOL
new thread ping
time for the graphic bump
good morning Mia
thanks for the ping
January 27, 2005
You Hillary watchers out there need to sit up and take notice of this little item in the New York Daily News today. Seems that some are suggesting the tough and brilliant Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, is considering challenging Hillary -- I'll-do-anything-to-be-president-including-pretending-to-abandon-all-my-core-beliefs -- Clinton, for her New York Senate seat in 2006. Hillary may be tough, but Mrs. Pirro is too. I've been extremely impressed with this lady every time I've heard her speak, on Hannity and Colmes and elsewhere. No matter what Mrs. Pirro's chances of winning, her decision to challenge Hillary -- would be a very good thing.
Posted by David Limbaugh at January 27, 2005 10:10 AM |
Hil vs. Pirro in '06? Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro is considering challenging the former First Lady, according to political insiders. The GOP crimefighter, who is running for reelection this year, is not publicly discussing plans for higher office. But Pirro has a dizzying fund-raising schedule and the enthusiastic backing of Gov. Pataki. "We love Jeanine," said a source in Pataki's camp. Sources say it is becoming less likely by the day that former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who may be eying the White House, will challenge Clinton for the Senate seat. A Clinton-Pirro contest has the makings of a marquee matchup between two controversial and ambitious women. "This wouldn't be just a battle," longtime Pirro friend and Westchester radio station owner Bill O'Shaughnessy told the Daily News. "It would be a catfight, and my money would be on Jeanine." "There'll be more interest in this than in 'Desperate Housewives,'" he added. Never one to shy from the limelight, Pirro has an active schedule planned. Last night, Mayor Bloomberg hosted a $1,000-a-plate fund-raiser for Pirro at his upper East Side digs. On Feb 10, she will stage a $250-a-head soiree headlined by radio and TV personality Sean Hannity. And this weekend, Pirro is booked to speak to influential Conservative Party operatives. That party's leader, Mike Long, said Pirro's crime-fighting pedigree makes her an attractive candidate to his group, even though she is pro-choice. "I certainly think Jeanine could go toe-to-toe with the senator," said Long. Pirro carries the baggage of husband Al Pirro's 2000 conviction on federal tax evasion charges, which included allegations he fudged the couple's joint returns to support their lavish lifestyle. But O'Shaughnessy insisted she could get around that issue. "You cannot hold the omissions of the husband against the wife who has her own career," he said. Pirro's spokeswoman, Ann Marie Corbalis, insisted her boss plans to remain district attorney "as long as the people of Westchester want her." But Westchester GOP consultant Mike Edelman said Pirro is "taking a good hard look" at the 2006 state attorney general race, and a challenge against Clinton.
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But not all Republicans are helping Hillary. In New York state, Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro seems to be getting closer to running against her in the 2006 race for the Senate. Pirro has to be Hillary's worst nightmare. She is a pro-choice woman who even backs Medicaid funding for abortion and a supporter of gun control, affirmative action and gay civil unions. But Pirro is no Democrat. She strongly supports the Patriot Act, making the Bush tax cuts permanent and the diversion of Social Security tax revenues into private investment accounts. She has a tough-on-crime image from her constant appearances on New York City television, with a particular focus on family-values issues such as pedophilia and Internet pornography. Hillary has always thrived off right-wing challengers who flunk the litmus tests imposed by New York's liberal electorate. But, in Pirro, she has met someone whom she can't browbeat over abortion or the usual Democratic issues. Clinton is especially vulnerable to Pirro because Hillary can't pledge to serve out her term if she is reelected. Polls show that her refusal to do so strikes New Yorkers very badly. Having extended the welcome mat to this carpetbagger and taken her at her word that she wanted to be part of the Big Apple, they feel they are being treated like doormats in reelecting someone who will obviously begin to miss votes and focus all her energy on running for president as soon as she is reelected. If Pirro attracts the massive national funding she is likely to get, she can wage a very strong race against Hillary. My bet is that Clinton thinks the better of it and drops out of the race if Pirro comes on strong. Why should she risk the presidency -- and have to spend $20 million -- just to get reelected to her old job? And if Hillary drops out after Pirro has built up a head of steam, it could give the GOP a Senate seat in the most unlikely of places -- Clinton's back yard.
You are the best, Mia T! Thank you for your tireless efforts to keep us informed about Mrs. Rodham Clinton.
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