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To: CHARLITE; Fred Nerks; jan in Colorado; ariamne; USF; Cornpone; expatguy


I have a better plan. On a specified day (after we have infiltrated their number and ferreted out some of their plans) a more than ready, and well prepared militia will round up about 75% of all muslims in the US. Out of 6.5 million, that will run about 4.75 million

Approximately half - including all imams, mullahs, muftis teachers and religious instructors (especially those with wahabbi connections) and most of the men between 17 and 45 years of age will be summarily executed as enemies of the state. This will rid us of 2.375 million immediately, at a minimum.

The remainder left living will be compulsorily repatriated to their country of birth, origin, or ethnic heritage, with full biometrics gathered, and a permanent visa exclusion from the US for them and their children.

If they attempt to re-enter, the first time they will be deported at a cost to be assessed to their country's trade deficit/surplus with the US. The second attempt if they are stupid enough - they will be summarily imprisoned in the US under brutal maximum security for a minimum of 12 years - again at cost to their country (think: Sheriff Joe Arpaio as the Warden). If they succeed in entering illegally, all bets (and protections) are null and void.

The remainder not rounded up will be free to emigrate from the US to another country of their choosing.

Or stay. VERY Quietly!

If any muslims within or without our borders, get obstreperous, the consequences will be...

Well, I'll just point you all towards the scene from "Lord of the Rings; Return of the King", outside the gates of Minas Tirith, when Theodin, King of Rohan and his 6,000 Rohirrib crested the hill and rode roughshod into, over, and through the Orc, Goblin, and Uruk armies of Mordor.

Even the wicked "men of the east", riding 'heradron' {giant "oliphants"} couldn't stop them.

All the Islamic schools in the US will be de-funded, closed, seized under RICO and sedition statutes, and sold preferentially to other truly peaceful religious groups at a discount for use as charter schools, or to the minutemen for training centers. Those not sold will be converted to US military temporary dormitory-style housing.

Islam will not be taught as a single, stand-alone subject in ANY publically funded institution. If it is to be taught, it must be as a comparative history of religions "companion" to Christianity, Judaism, or ancient Persian Zoroastrianism, with special focus upon Islam's bloody history of persecution and attempted annihilation of those same religions. It will not be represented as a peaceful theology!

Any questions?

Remember, you read it all HERE first - from the mind and computer of...


"Avowed Infidel enemy of Islam and the ArabianArchPaedophile"

19 posted on 06/01/2005 10:59:51 PM PDT by AmericanArchConservative (Armour on, Lances high, Swords out, Bows drawn, Shields front ... Eagles UP!)
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To: AmericanArchConservative

"Islam will not be taught as a single, stand-alone subject in ANY publically funded institution. If it is to be taught, it must be as a comparative history of religions "companion" to Christianity, Judaism, or ancient Persian Zoroastrianism, with special focus upon Islam's bloody history of persecution and attempted annihilation of those same religions. It will not be represented as a peaceful theology!"

This one simple action will assure that the majority of muslims in the US will gradually leave the country and find somewhere else to live. When the remainder of the Western nations discover how easy it is to rid themselves of islam, they will follow suit and the sand fleas will all end up back where they came from. Those that want to live in the West will become apostate, now that the penalty of death no longer applies...because there will be no clerics about to terrify them, correct? And without clerics, the mosques will be empty.

By protecting islam as a 'religion' while we all know it's a cult, we do not only ourselves an injustice but we make it impossible for the muslims to live normal lives in the West.


20 posted on 06/01/2005 11:20:47 PM PDT by Fred Nerks (Understand Islam. Understand Evil. Read THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD link My Page.)
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To: AmericanArchConservative; All
"well prepared militia will round up about 75% of all muslims in the US."

Japanese Internment!!! - McCarthy hearings!!!

"Approximately half - including all imams, mullahs, muftis teachers and religious instructors (especially those with wahabbi connections) and most of the men between 17 and 45 years of age will be summarily executed as enemies of the state."

Justice!!! All are entitled to a trial and a Free Lawyer courtesy of the American taxpayer.

What Tim fails to mention is that half of your country is suffering already from Stockholm Syndrome and will do everything in their power to impede you as you try to defend yourself.

An American Expat in Southeast Asia

24 posted on 06/02/2005 3:11:05 AM PDT by expatguy (
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