By my calculations, for this $1,000,000,000, you could pay out approximately $2,739,726 per day. This would deploy approximately 22,831 troop man-days on the border each day (calculated at a base military pay of $120 per 8 hour period, per soldier). If deployed in 8 hour shifts, that would mean around 7610 permanently patrolling troops on the border giving 24 hours a day coverage. As the Mexican border is approximately 2000 miles long, this would average 3 soldiers per mile (the rest being supervisory and support), 24 hours a day. I'd bet that would stop a lot of the illegal immigrants now showing up in Emergency Rooms all over the country!
As a benefit, rather than paying out "free" health costs for thieves sneaking in and stealing them from the American taxpayer the money goes into the pockets of our troops!
George Bush doesn't want our borders patrolled. I've said for years that he won't be content until Americans are bankrupt, and our country taken over by Mexicans.