Cannot say that I would want my wife to starve me to death, but I have told my wife and others in my family to not keep me alive by artificial means.
If I cannot live without being hooked to a machine then I don't want to live at all.
However, I am going on record that I don't want to be starved to death. If THAT means staying hooked to a machine, then I'll stay hooked to the machine.
(He's given me permission to address him in that manner.)
if it were legal I'd go the Dutch way,
no extraordinary measures, especially since I've signed my organ donor card, I'd love to think some part of me was usuable and could help someone else, and if something should happen I'm on a feeding tube, don't starve me, send me off with a lethal dose of morphine, isn't that what we do to our suffering pets?
remember the movie Soylent Green, never mind where the Soylent Green was coming from, I remember thinking as a teenager that the scene where Charlon Heston's buddy goes to a special room to die was so cool,
you go to the room, you lie down on this comfortable lounge chair, they make the room your favourite colour, your favourite scenery is projected on the wall, your favourite scents are pumped into the room, your favourite music is pumped into also, and the nurses are gorgeous women in his case, they give you an injection and you go with a big smile on your face
of course in that movie the planet was grossly overpopulated, another interesting question for the future, real food was rare/scarce unless you were rich, I remember the scene when Charlton Heston got an apple and shared it with his old buddy there, they looked at the apple like it was gold......