In our twenties, that sort of thing is the last thing on our minds. It seems a million years away. I don't know what Terri might have said to Michael, and maybe Michael is as innocent as the driven snow. . or maybe he has been a lying, money-grubbing, abusive, adulterous husband. I sure don't know. It all depends on how much that has been testified to by witnesses is true and how much is just a passel of pathological liars and publicity seekers coming out of the woodwork.
It just seems odd that it took Michael seven years to recall Terri's alleged words about wanting to die. - I don't know, and you don't know, but I do THINK it is just - odd, that is all.
On the face of it, it would appear that this is cruel and unusual punishment. IF Terri is more aware than all the "experts" have said, I am sure she would have to be wondering what the he** she did in her last incarnation to have earned this repeated torture. (I don't believe in reincarnation, this is my attempt at stupid levity under the grim circumstances.)
For good or bad, I believe Michael Shiavo will have to face Terri one day, for good or bad. Which is it? Terri knows and Michael knows, and people will be watching Michael very closely in the coming years and months. (He stated just the other day that he is getting absolutely NO MONEY from Terri's death.)
Be very sure of this one thing, God is not mocked, whatsover a man soweth, that shall he also reap. . and again, Thou shalt not kill.
It was on my mind at 25, married w/three young kids.
I said to my hubby and mother much the same as Terri said.
This was when a dear old lady I knew was in hospital for 3 months prior to pulling her tube.
I'm 61 now, and have had a Living Will for 8 yrs.