Being charged with a crime is entirely different than the act of committing the crime itself. Here in that "Hospice" -- there's a murder going down. And a conspiracy to commit that murder which includes the Florida Judiciary and all participating law enforcement officers. Why do I include the police? The war crimes trials after WW II settled that issue -- if it hadn't had been already -- that perforimg a patently criminal act under color of a legitamate order is still a crime. Murder by starvation is a crime, no matter what legal paper and process may cover it up or even order it.
"there's a murder going down."
It's definitly a sad situation and certainly got the country in an up-roar. There's been much written about "when life ends" and from what I can tell the legal precedents have been set to determine such (right or wrong.)
I think it rather shortsighted to lay the blame on the courts and police. The legislative bodies have had 15 years in this case to write laws spelling out what life or lack thereof is. If no one did anything isn't it a bit to complain now that the laws and judicial system is inadequate? Terri's case has been hrough the courts and by most if not all accounts has been subjected to the due-process. If the laws of that process aren't adequate to protect people is it the courts fault or the people who write the laws?
Curiously, feeding tubes are removed everyday but for some reason this case has generated interest where there was none least not of this magnitude.