An insurgency by a bunch of bed-wetting limp-wristed Liberal crybabies?
Sounds like Fun.
We are just waiting for them. And when I say "we", I mean me and a couple of friends of mine. [wink]
Bummer. They just don't like us. That really hurts.
How come they get cool graphics over there and we don't get them here?
Also, some of their taglines make me feel good about myself. Like "Ideas are like the stars. They shine real bright but if you get too frikkin close it gets hot in a hurry."
Or "Running against the Repugs is something we're all designed to do. Why do you think its called the 'human race'?"
Or "Looking for a gay stud with a really large (deleted). Call 555-1212 and make date".
It just seems like we ought to have a neutral site where we can all slug it out. It would be more fun than Micheal Medved's "Anyone out there pro-Kerry?" days.
Sounds like (((:::TARGET PRACTICE:::)))!