She was trying to HAVE A baby ,,,
She had over 140 of them, one of them made it, the others were killed.
Where does that 140 number come from? My understanding is that the normal practice is to extract a number of eggs, fertilize them, freeze them, and then implant them about 3 at a time. More eggs are not taken and fertilized until all of the first batch are used up.
Further, if a technician takes an egg from a petri dish and attempts to implant it, but fails, how is that any different from a woman having an egg fertilized in utero and having that fail to implant? I'm just conjecturing here, but I would guess that if Ms. Shields and her husband were trying dilligently to have a baby the 'natural' way, her body was probably dumping about one fertilized egg a month. Should people with such problems be condemned for trying?