Let it go. Really...
I know what you mean about Moore and his ilk, and yes, it is tantamount to treason. But nothing about that is ever going to happen. Get over it.
You are falling right into his trap -- or -- you are here from his camp just to see if anybody will. This is what he wants us to do. He is a being of hatred, and it feeds him. Let it go.
Ben Franklin would probably have sent Michael Moore a dozen hookers and pizzas, secretly videotaped the proceedings, and made it available on the internet. If Moore was in a position of power there might be more to your argument, but there are so many idiots in this country we can't go around indicting them all for treason. Stupidity's not a crime, son.
'Some conservatives have laughed off the hatchet job on the Bush Presidency as just the flickering rants of a Hollywood madman. But Hezbollah gives it two thumbs up, way up, and the U.S.-hating world is gushing rave reviews like crude oil. It's a hit as terrorists say, "See, I told you so!" '