The Muslim culture and specifically the Arab cultures are based on a matriarchal structure. The strongest male female bond is the mother son relationship. Everything is done to prevent the interference of any other females in that relationship. Multiple wives and women and children sleeping separately from the men, from the dress codes to the harem young and desirable women are kept away from men and under the control of the elder women.
Change that relationship and you will change their whole culture.
"The Muslim culture and specifically the Arab cultures are based on a matriarchal structure. The strongest male female bond is the mother son relationship. Everything is done to prevent the interference of any other females in that relationship."
So S. Hussein was actually being controlled by his mom? And those fun-loving sons of his were being directly influenced by their mom? For some reason, I thought all of the women were supposed to kept quiet and stay out of the way. The "boys'" mom should have told them it wasn't all that nice to rape underaged girls whenever they wanted.