Then who designed the designer?
While many may have a hard time wrapping their minds around this concept: it does make quite a lot of sense as it would eliminate the assertion of creation ad infinitum, which is not really a very feasable notion since the notion of creation ad infinitum would not be a plausable explaination. But if the Source or God himself is a non linear being, then there would exist a point of creation & infinitum all at once. Since God is "eternal" while the universe appears to be finite: this sheds light on the nature of His creation as contrated with His own nature. To further illustrate this: imagine God's life span as going in a constant circle ( ie: non linear ) while creating the universe with a life span which goes in a straight line ie: linear. God's own point of creation is obscured by the non linear nature of his existence which in essense is suplanted by eternal natuer of his continued existence. Just as when one paints a circle on a canvass with a brush: the point of origin is obscured by the painting over of the continuated motion of the brush following the same pattern.
While human life & the universe in general follows a straight linear path where origin & demise can be measured. This would expain how God's origin can not be measured or acertained as it would have been suplanted by his own continued existence. Similar to recording over the same cassette tape over & over.