Well PKM, some cursory reading of the second amendment and it's history will help.:-}
The second amendment was not written for skeet shooting or hunting. It was written so as to be the final defense against some not so fine American thinking he was the seocnd coming of King George.
Bringing a turkey gun to an assault weapon fire fight is bad for your health, no?
She didn't say YOU couldn't have one; she said she didn't see the need for it.
And her point is right: if she voices that opinion, she branded a gun grabber/hater and a RINO.
Believe me, I know.
PKM, look for that post to come back to haunt you. I had the nerve to say I didn't want some jerkwad living next to me to have an Uzi.
You can't believe how many times it's posted here (and at the Little Place) to PROVE I'm a liberal.