I dont think you understood. There is NO free trade! Can I make that anymore clear? You support a communist govt and it's slave labor practices. YOU DO WHAT THEY DO.
The US Constitution is not comparable to communist china. Protecting American society does not equal socialism.
On these threads what the constitution calls for is considered socialism while sweat shops and slave labor competing directly with our high taxed and regulated society is considered "free trade".
I do understand your frustration.
Slave labor in China benefits this society in the same way it did before the American Civil War. However, please do not spread that around. You certainly do want another CIVIL WAR on your hands, do you?
You cannot talk reason to these fellows who are making a living off the labor of slaves in China.
Remember no man is really free while any man is a slave.
Gadzooks! I cannot, for the life of me, remember who it was, that gave us that little saying.