Their decision to create the new software was already made.
To offshore or to use domestic was the real choice.
We can argue about whether to create the new software or remain behind the curve in marketing or whatever, but once they gave the go ahead to make the new software, they still had 2 choices! Domestic or Foreign!!
And those traitors chose foreign.
Their profits will increase through the use of the new software, and I am sure they saved a bundle, but they disallowed the brain power of this nation to be used, and instead used foreign power. Giving away the technology, the brain eduucation, the resume enhancement of this foreign company, the new methods and techniques that this foreign company will use in it's NEXT project which is only BAD in that it gives them an edge over our own programmers...
Doesnt everyone see this? Each time we allow technological jobs to leave our shore we strengthen our economic enemies? We GIVE jobs away? We hand the means to defeat ourselves to the very people we want to defend ourselves from??
Good God, this country has gone insane!! We are giving away the means to ruin our country and we are calling it FREE TRADE!!
Next thin you know, one of our Armed Forces branches will be using foreign aircraft that can just as easily be produced here! Oh, Yeah, I forgot, the COAST GUARD ALREADY DOES THAT!!
Excellent post! Actually, I could argue this issue fervently either way. What does that mean. Am I frigin schizophrenic?
All true capitalists should know nothing is FREE.