We have, however, been threatened with exposure of the lurid past of the people sponsoring AIG. Isn't this the same argument?
I really don't know anything about Hovind or AiG and thus have no comment on them.
However, it does occur to me, especially with regard to spiritual matters, that I've heard stunning spiritual Truth from people who have no credentials at all. For instance, there was a little old lady in church who, speaking of Peter's attempt (and failure) to go out to Jesus who was walking on water said "sinking wasn't his job." To me, it was a profound explanation of faith.
And around here, on various threads, I've learned things from all kinds of people, including some with no established credentials. Likewise, I've hypothesized touching a number of subjects and had robust, wonderful conversations. Seems to me that drawing ones own conclusions through learning, questioning, research and hypothesizing is a good thing per se.